
Company name : KOTRA (KBDC HANOI)
Director : Yang Chang Young
Contact Person: Kim Min Su
Address: 117 Tran Duy Hung, Toa Nha Chamvit Grand Plaza, Cau Giay, Ha Noi
Website: www.SBC-KBDC.com
Phone number :
Kind of Bussiness :
Time exprire in : 30
Bussiness fields : Service
Sectors :
Workplace : Hà Nội,
Bussiness type : - - - select bussiness type - - -
Title Adminstraion & Translatror
Position: - - - select position - - -
Code :
Gender : Female
Working time : Full time
Salary : 500 - 1000
Diploma : B.A
Work description : - Interpretation of Korean to Vietnamese or English to Vietnamese
- Administration management
- Find and maintain contact with potential customers to build a customer network
- Search inquiry order for Korean SMEs, supporting them
- Working Hour: 8h30-18.00 from Monday to Friday (08:30~12:00, 13:30~18:00)
- Compensation : Insurance
- Annual salary : $7,200~$13,200
Candidate Requirement : - Fluent in Korean (Speaking and writing) , English (Basic)
- Bachelor Degree
- Computer skills.(MS windows, Office)
- Have good knowledge of evaluating, finding statistics, analyzing data, and good relationships, writing reports,
- Be Responsible, good attitude in working, active, enthusiastic, hard working, honest
- Can work under pressure, and be a good team player
- Woman is preferred.

- Detailed CV in Korean or English with Photo should be submitted via email before 14th January, 2015.
- Only shortlisted candidate will be notified.
Expire submit date : 18-1-2015
